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05 Apr. 2013

Healthier Lifestyle

Healthy Living J

Helping you discover a healthier lifestyle

Living Patterns mission is to enhance the quality of life for individuals
through fitness, nutritional education, and lifestyle pattern
transformations. Owner Keridon Davis McMahon and her lifestyle coaches offer
in-home and onsite personal training and nutritional counseling with
continued support to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Ready to feel like yourself again?

Its widely known that exercising and eating well are beneficial. Benefits range
from self-confidence, increased energy and stamina, more sound sleep,
decreased risk of medical conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure,
delayed aging, and the list goes on and on. So, whats keeping you waiting?

Real world solutions to fitness and nutrition problems

Living Patterns offers the solution. You will personally be guided through an
exercise program designed for you in the comfort of your own home. There’s no
time wasted driving to a gym and there’s no question if you’re doing the right
exercises. Best of all, no equipment is needed! Its all provided!

Living Patterns goes a step further. Our program is about more than just getting
you working out properly. It includes personal counseling and a complete
nutritional set up. We have all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” Its not
easy to know exactly how to eat, but with a nutritionist in your kitchen helping
you make a plan using your own likes and dislikes in foods, it's much easier.
Fitness and Nutritional services:
o    outdoor personal training
o    in home personal training
o    couples personal training
o    group exercise classes
o    corporate seminars
o    body composition analysis
o    customized workouts
o    pantry clean outs
o    dining out
o    grocery shopping
o    goal specific menu planning
o    boot camp
o    ongoing nutritional counseling

Your goal might be to lose weight, gain muscle tone,
decrease medication, or just to feel good again.

Whatever it is, Living Patterns lifestyle coaches are here to make a plan that
works. We’ll help you stick to it

Call us today about an initial, no-obligation consultation. We promise you will not
receive the high pressure sales treatment many of us have experienced with
gym memberships and other programs. Read our FAQ to learn more.

You can find the motivation and experience you need to succeed.

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